Monday, 8 June 2009


It has been a little while since I posted mainly due to not much happening on the trip front.More than can be said on the political one but there has been enough of that in the news media.
  I now , courtesy of " Select-a-Room " ( who provided an excellent service) ,have  a hotel booked for my first 2 nights in Russia. It is at the Poliarnie Zori Hotel in Murmansk . 
 This week I am going the final collection of all my kit and doing a trial pack to check weights etc. Boring stuff for my readers but critical for ensuring I don't have to pay Mr Ryan any excess baggage while not going without key items.
I had hoped to post a picture of the baptism of my new grandaughter but the technology defeated me. More practice required or my journal during the trip will be boring.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you manage to post some photos, its a shame your Russian lessons were on the same day as the computer club!
    Take care, and have a great trip. Keep us posted.
